Friday, February 14, 2014


During our snow days, I ran across this article on using digital badges in the classroom. ...and I started thinking..... target audience(s) for badges, pros/cons......   what do you think?   Would this be a valuable option for adult learners? undergrads? grads? Would you want to earn badges for content completion? APA guru? Chief blogger? Techno Dynamo?


  1. We have the digital badge or ribbon component on our BlackBoard system. I have found it useful for the on-line non-credit classes I teach. Most of those are taken for recertification purposes and the badge is my way of confirming to the student that they have met the recertification requirements. It's certainly not formal and would not be accepted by the accrediting agencies, but it does seem helpful to the students. I don't seem to get as many emails back asking "is that all I need to do"?

    1. What a great idea for recertification classes. I like that it is informal.

  2. Kim, have you had a chance to ask the students as to their thoughts regarding the digital badge/ribbon? The fact that the badge seems to have reduced student questions is a plus...:-) how long have you been using this system?

  3. This is the first semester that tool has been available. And no, I have not asked the students their thoughts or opinion. I had toyed with the idea of using it for my other classes as a way of giving a kudo, but interestingly we also added a new component to our SIS system this semester, SAILS. It allows us to track attendance, report "never attends", express concerns regarding attendance and grades, and give kudos. So I've been using that system for that purpose instead of the badges.

  4. It is an interesting concept. It seems fun and slightly anxiety provoking with the thought of adding a new online component. I am still getting used to the forums and blogging. However, it may make it more fun and rewarding to earn a badge especially if it's a collection of coins or hearts. An animated reward associated with points would motivate me and my visual learning self!!!
